Entity WeaponMode

WeaponMode is a special class denoting a mode of a Weapon.


GetName () GetName returns the name of this weapon mode.
IsValid () IsValid returns true if this weapon mode is used.
GetWeaponSkill () GetWeaponSkill returns the weapon skill to use for this mode.
GetAnimation () GetAnimation returns the animation set to use for this mode.
GetRangeType () GetRangeType returns the range class for the weapon.
GetBaseMaxRange () GetBaseMaxRange returns the max range for the mode.
GetSpreadType () GetSpreadType returns the spread type for the mode.
GetAccuracyBonus () GetAccuracyBonus returns the accuracy bonus for the mode.
GetDamageMultiplier () GetDamageMultiplier returns the damage multiplier.
GetAmmoUsage () GetAmmoUsage returns the number of shots used in the mode.
GetActionCostType () GetActionCostType returns the action cost type for the mode.
GetImpactFX () GetImpactFX returns the impact effect from this mode hitting a target.
GetImpactFX () GetSoundFX returns the impact sound from this mode hitting a target.
GetLightFX () GetLightFX returns the impact light effect from this mode hitting a target.
CanCallShot () CanCallShot returns true if this mode allows aimed shots.
HasProjectile () HasProjectile returns true if this mode uses a visible projectile.
DestroyOnUse () DestroyOnUse returns true if this mode destroys one instance of the weapon on use.
GetKnockoverMultiplier () GetKnockoverMultiplier returns the multiplier for knockover chance for this mode.
GetCriticalBonus () GetCriticalBonus returns the bonus to critical chance for this mode.


GetName ()
GetName returns the name of this weapon mode.


    A string indicating the weapon mode.
IsValid ()
IsValid returns true if this weapon mode is used.


    A boolean value indicating the weapon mode is valid.
GetWeaponSkill ()
GetWeaponSkill returns the weapon skill to use for this mode.


    A string indicating the weapon mode skill (e.g. "smallGuns").
GetAnimation ()
GetAnimation returns the animation set to use for this mode.


    A string indicating the animation.
GetRangeType ()
GetRangeType returns the range class for the weapon. Examples are "Melee", "Short", and "Long".


    A string indicating the range type.
GetBaseMaxRange ()
GetBaseMaxRange returns the max range for the mode.


    A numeric value indicating the max range.
GetSpreadType ()
GetSpreadType returns the spread type for the mode. Examples are "Straight", "Burst", and "Cone".


    A string indicating the spread type.
GetAccuracyBonus ()
GetAccuracyBonus returns the accuracy bonus for the mode.


    An integer indicating the accuracy bonus.
GetDamageMultiplier ()
GetDamageMultiplier returns the damage multiplier.


    A numeric value indicating the damage multiplier.
GetAmmoUsage ()
GetAmmoUsage returns the number of shots used in the mode.


    An integer indicating the number of shots.
GetActionCostType ()
GetActionCostType returns the action cost type for the mode.


    A string indicating the action cost type.
GetImpactFX ()
GetImpactFX returns the impact effect from this mode hitting a target.


    A string indicating the impact effect.
GetImpactFX ()
GetSoundFX returns the impact sound from this mode hitting a target.


    A string indicating the impact sound.
GetLightFX ()
GetLightFX returns the impact light effect from this mode hitting a target.


    A string indicating the impact light effect.
CanCallShot ()
CanCallShot returns true if this mode allows aimed shots.


    A boolean indicating if aimed shots are allowed.
HasProjectile ()
HasProjectile returns true if this mode uses a visible projectile.


    A boolean indicating if this mode uses a visible projectile.
DestroyOnUse ()
DestroyOnUse returns true if this mode destroys one instance of the weapon on use.


    A boolean indicating if this mode destroys the weapon on use.
GetKnockoverMultiplier ()
GetKnockoverMultiplier returns the multiplier for knockover chance for this mode.


    A numeric value indicating the knockover chance multiplier.
GetCriticalBonus ()
GetCriticalBonus returns the bonus to critical chance for this mode.


    An integer indicating critical chance bonus.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2024-08-15 12:18:22